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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Embedding Videos

This tutorial is about embedding videos.  I am using YouTube, but the same principles can be applied to using TeacherTube and SchoolTube.  It is important to remember that for parent communication purposes, it really does not matter where you host your videos because parents generally have access to YouTube.  However, schools generally block that website, so you may want to consider one of the others if you want to make the videos accessible on the district network.

Here are some free screencasting tools and some Reviews of Screen Capture Tools to get you started in creating tutorials. 

For these tutorials, I used Screencast-O-Matic because you do not have to download software.  It allows immediate upload to YouTube making the video accessible via web and mobile.  Or you always have the option to save the video in one of many files: .mp4, .avi, .flv. or .gif.  You can also publish it to their site.  The free version allows videos up to 15 minutes in legnth as well.  When I read reviews for Screencast-O-Matic, they said that there is a watermark on the free videos, but I don't see it. 

Additionally, I have also used Jing to create screencasts.  Here is what I thought of Jing and some uses for screencasting in early elementary.


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